Our Main Business
Internet database application
If you want to work in different locations with the same documents, it is useful to keep all documents centrally backed up on the Internet and maintain. On 2002- 01-01 the "Principles of data access occurred and verfication of digital documents. The digital archiving was mandatory for all companies.

Papier archiv ade! It will define access filters. The tax consultants and auditors receive their own user names and passwords to enable them to view relevant documents on the Internet terminal.The constant back and forth of file folders is over. Our first option ist PAPERLESS OFFICE CONCEPTS :"The digital office PLOCon. The data is centrally stored, the backup is done automatically on additional Web servers.

Time recording at a low cost in different locations. The central analysis is not a problem. Wherever Internet access is possible, work begin and end simultaneously held and analyzed. If necessary, the import of data to local systems is possible, but in rare cases necessary.You will need your access to your documents anytime, anywhere? -The Internet is quick and advanced. Special courses for RAS and TCP/IP, server, and routing.
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